FAQS: See if your question is answered below. Checkout some of our most interesting, thought-provoking, frequently asked questions!

Q: Is an online/phone reading or distant healing less accurate/effective than an in-person session?

A: No. The quality of your online or phone session is often much better than an in-person reading.  Energy can be high at events like psychic fairs or bookstores, however, many distractions like people talking loudly, walking by, incense, gongs, and announcements, can interfere with a link to the other side. Avoid the stress of driving, parking, and arriving on time! Feel comfortable in your own home. Click this link to learn 5 Ways to get a Great Psychic Mediumship Reading

Q: What is a Psychic Mediumship Reading, and how can I prepare for one?

A: Your human energy field, soul vibration, or aura, radiates out from your body, and just as you can sense if you like or dislike someone you just met, a Psychic links to your energy, and senses specific, helpful information. A Medium links to the spirit world to channel helpful, healing energy and information, to you. Be open-minded and open-hearted, calm and excited. You may have questions or just bring a mindset of curiosity. To schedule, Click Here for a Reading!

Q: How do I know you are an accurate psychic and medium?

A: Under the About Menu, click on Reviews. Attend a Mediumship Gallery for an experience in a group of what an individual reading might be like. Under the Service Menu, click on Psychic Mediumship Reading to read the latest reviews. Go to Contact and book a free consultation with Claudia to ask questions, or just send a question through the Contact Page. Book a private Psychic Mediumship Reading under Services! Click Here for Reviews!

Q: I’ve heard good psychics will always give the name and how the spirit died. Do you?

A: Sometimes, but not always. I relay what I receive from the spirit communicator without embellishment. Some sitters don’t need to hear their name, and some spirit communicators don’t want to remind you of their death. Only you can confirm the specific, evidence-based information they choose to give. They come forward because they choose to, with free will. Click Here to get your private Psychic Mediumship Reading today!

Q: How do I develop my spiritual gifts safely?

A: Work with teachers dedicated to spiritual mediumship, integrity, honesty, and truth, who guide you to develop your abilities according to your spiritual gifts, not theirs. I have been privileged to work with true, spiritual masters for over 30 years, and wish to pass on wisdom teachings now. Check out my Classes, Events, Services, Private Mentorships, and Coaching to support your natural abilities to unfold without fear. Contact Claudia to request your free consultation.

Q: How do I know I am not being deceived by evil?

A: I don’t believe evil would do good unless they planned to manipulate others for their own gain. If someone is asking you for thousands of dollars for prayers, rituals, healing, etc. or is trying to scare you, be careful! They are probably trying to take your money, or energy. The universe may be giving you the message that it is time to learn to ground and take responsibility for setting healthy energy boundaries. Learn proven practices to stand in your power with: Super Hero Workout for Psychics

Q: Does getting a reading go against my faith?

A: Only you can answer that. I believe in God and the spirit world. I believe loved ones, friends, and pets live on in a dimension where they retain the essence of their identity. They often connect through dreams, and other fun ways, like music, birds, flashing lights. We know we are in the Light when we feel safe, loved, joyful, peaceful, and healed. My psychic/mediumistic experiences deepen my faith in God with amazing, fun, moving experiences. To learn more, Click Here for Services

Q: In Whose Name do you heal/read/coach/teach?

A: I heal and do all my work prayerfully, gratefully, in the name of God. I believe no one works alone whether we are aware of it, acknowledge it, ask for help from the universe, or not. However, I also believe, “Ask and ye shall receive.” We get more spiritual help when we ask for help, set a clear intention, focus, then perceive. To request your free consultation, Contact Claudia

Q: Why Doesn’t my Highly Regarded Psychic Medium get a good connection every time?

A: The sitter or medium could be trying too hard, be too emotional, or too shut down. The sitter could be thinking negatively, as in, “This will never work, this medium isn’t good, or, I’m afraid of hearing something negative.” The sitter could be unconsciously blocking the connection because they aren’t ready to connect at this time. The spirit communicator has free will, and may choose to connect in a different way. It could be a mystery. Don’t give up; try another medium!