About Claudia

Claudia N. Johnson, BFA, RMT, MNLP, CHt How I Can Help You Become Unstoppable
Claudia N. Johnson, BFA, RMT, MNLP, CHt
To request your free consultation Click Here
Certified Psychic Medium and Mentor
Claudia is a naturally gifted intuitive, medium, and spiritual healer. As a professional dancer, she felt compelled to offer healing to other dancers in pain when she discovered she was feeling their injuries in her own body. As they healed, her pain also dissolved, and she would receive messages for them from spirit guides, loved ones, angels, friends, and pets.
When you choose an intuitive session, it helps to think about what your heart and mind are asking at the deepest level. You may ask for a certain spirit to come forward, however that is in the hands of Spirit for your and their highest good. Claudia’s intention is to channel the highest spiritual guidance and healing possible to bring you healing and comfort, move your life forward, accelerate your personal growth, provide evidence from spirit that our lives continue on in the unseen world, and to support you in achieving your goals more joyfully now! Claudia has studied Mediumship for several years with the Rev. Rosalyn Bruyere, and at the world-renowned Spiritualist school, The Arthur Findlay College, UK.
Reiki Master Practitioner, Usui Reiki Level III Master Teacher
Claudia took her first Reiki Training in 1984. The reason is quite remarkable. She was working as a Certified Therapeutic Massage Technician at a popular resort, met the man the Jacuzzi was invented for, and while giving him an hour-long treatment, was so moved by his condition, sympathetically gave all her energy to him. She was in bed recovering for 2 days afterward! During that time, she received a call from a concerned friend who told her about Reiki healing for the first time.
Shortly afterward she made a trip home to Minnesota and had a dream that the Reiki book she had been told of was at a nearby metaphysical bookstore. When she got there, she could not find one on the shelf, and insisted that a clerk check in the back. The last book was found, and when Claudia opened it, the business card of a local Reiki Master fell out! Next, Claudia phoned to get trained, the Master answered the phone call uncharacteristically, which the Master understood to mean Claudia needed training and attunement immediately. Claudia became a Reiki Master Practitioner/Teacher Level III of Usui Shiki Ryoho, in NYC in 1999. From the age of 24, Claudia has been a long-time student of the Rev. Rosalyn L. Bruyere, internationally renowned Medicine Woman, beloved spiritual teacher, and one of the most gifted and respected healers in the world who works with many top medical institutions, including Harvard, Mayo, and Cleveland Clinic.
Certified Master Practitioner of Hypnosis & NLP, Sessions & Downloads Claudia was certified as a Master Practitioner of both Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming in the 1980’s. She trained with the same NLP teacher Tony Robbins had, Mr. John Grinder, co-creator of NLP. When a college roommate was scheduled to have surgery to remove a growth the size of a grapefruit, Claudia gave her a session the night before. The next day surgery was cancelled because the growth could not be found. Claudia provides Past Life Regression also, because she had a client who spontaneously went into a past life, without prompting. Claudia’s spirit guides led her through the process of guiding the client to life-changing information. Whether you believe in past lives or not, the information you receive can help you get unstuck by giving yourself crucial information that creates the compassion, understanding, and self-permission to move forward.
Claudia is humbled to have facilitated many miraculous, transforming healings of body, mind, emotions and spirit for people seeking to enhance their spiritual abilities, prepare for and heal at an accelerated rate from surgery, and move past limiting behaviors that stifle growth, to embrace those that empower you.
Claudia’s School of Psychic Mediumship Development: Mediumship Training and Mentorship From decades of personal experience, training, and studies, Claudia honors your psychic and mediumistic abilities by providing invaluable one-to-one mentorship and coaching. Focusing on your goals, she helps you grow your unique spiritual gifts with confidence, step by step. Ask about your amazing or weird spiritual experiences in a safe, accepting place with someone who can share similar experiences, and the history of mediumship, so you know you are not alone. Get inspired guidance, insight, encouragement; learn time-honored practices to strengthen body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Get more amazing evidence that there is no death! Work through any hesitation you have about developing your God-given gifts in safety, for good, by becoming more educated about the history of mystical, spiritual traditions. Learn the history of individuals who are accepted as masters and saints as you develop your spiritual gift of discernment.
You will learn techniques to develop your abilities and trust them with people in the physical realm, so you can begin to trust more deeply the messages you get from the spiritual realm. Set your intention to use your gifts how you choose, at peace in the knowledge you are working with the divine forces of love, light, healing, abundance, and peace.
Spiritual Life Coaching: Group or Private Creating a safe, accepting atmosphere, Claudia helps you define and achieve your goals with expert coaching, spiritual guidance, insight, encouragement, exercises, and accountability, through weekly sessions, in private, or a group.
One young bride’s dream of a beautiful wedding was severely challenged in 2020 due to Covid restrictions. Abby had a dear friend who was also planning a wedding at the time. She remarked to me about how her friend’s family all stepped up to help and support her, while Abby’s family took no action. Abby felt alone, stressed, unloved, overwhelmed, hopeless, and petty for feeling jealous of her friend.
After coaching Abby and teaching her some new kinder phrases that were question and statement based, rather than accusations, she was prepared to address one of her family patterns. In Abby’s family, they had an unwritten rule about not interfering in others’ life choices by waiting to be asked for help. Abby learned that everyone was going through stress, so especially now, planning an event required her to ask for what she needed directly. in specific ways to specific people. She began to realize that someone else’s behavior often didn’t mean what she thought or felt it meant. She found the courage to ask for what she needed in a way that made everyone feel special, valued, and loved. In return she got the attention and loving support she needed to have the wedding of her dreams.