Exclusive, private psychic mediumship development sessions designed meticulously for you to accelerate your unique, God-given gifts, to grow your confidence with expert guidance and feedback. Mentorship mean 1:1, so it is Claudia serving you with her compassionate attention and expertise. You design goals for each week, what you want to learn, improve upon, and you will receive valuable experience deepening your understanding of your gifts, how they function, how best to communicate and develop your relationships with your spirit guides, and focus your new goals for what you want to achieve next with your mediumship as you learn more about your gifts.
Develop your life, strength, sensitivity, and mediumship abilities beyond what you ever dreamed you could achieve with 3 private, 60-minute sessions with sacred techniques, homework, and accountability coaching.
6-Session Packages. Email Claudia@HealingEnergyArts.com for price, schedule, and details.
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