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Video Beginning Tarot Card Workshop! Learn 2 Card Spreads in 25 Minutes! Grow your Intuitive Gifts & Connection to Spirit Guides! Unlimited Access!

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Learn 2 Quick Ways to Read Tarot Cards & Connect with Your Spirit Guides!  Get guidance when you need it most, and grow your psychic ability! Learn this ancient, trusted symbolic guide to reset your mindset with clarity, purpose, and momentum!                                                                                                     

Availability: 247 in stock

Learn 2 Easy, Fun Ways to Read Tarot Cards, connect with your higher self, spirit guides, and get helpful guidance! You MUST have a Tarot Deck! Suggested Deck: Rider-Waite, available on Amazon

We will cover:

  1. How ancient Tarot Card symbols can become friends that guide your life.
  2. How learning 2 Easy Card Spreads can supercharge your life with clarity, action, & unstoppable momentum!
  3. How you can connect with your Intuition and Spirit Guidance through Tarot to call upon your psychic ability when you need it!

 You will need; 1. Tarot Card Deck 2. paper and pen, or notes app 3. Table where you can lay out cards. 

  • You will have unlimited access to this video Course
  • You can watch again and again, and choose different cards each time as you learn
  • Email Claudia@HealingEnergyArts.com with any questions.